Benchmarking the Leiden algorithm with R and Python

S. Thomas Kelly


  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = module
#> [1] TRUE

Benchmarking the Leiden Algorithm

In this guide we will run the Leiden algorithm in both R and Python to benchmark performance and demonstrate how the algorithm is called with reticulate.

We are testing this in the following environment:

paste([c(4, 2, 1)])
#> [1] "n110"                         "4.18.0-372.26.1.el8_6.x86_64"
#> [3] "Linux"
#> [1] "R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)"

Clustering with the Leiden Algorithm in R

This package allows calling the Leiden algorithm for clustering on an igraph object from R. See the Python and Java implementations for more details:

It calls the Python functions to run the algorithm and passes all arguments need to them.

Set up the python version to be called in R

Python implementation

The python version can be installed with pip or conda:

pip uninstall -y igraph
pip install -U -q leidenalg
conda install -c vtraag leidenalg

It is also possible to install the python dependencies with reticulate in R.


Running in Python

We are using the following version of Python:

import sys
#> 3.9.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jul 11 2021, 03:53:41) 
#> [GCC 9.3.0]

First we load the packages:

import igraph as ig
print("igraph", ig.__version__)
#> igraph 0.9.6
import leidenalg as la
print("leidenalg", la.version)
#> leidenalg 0.8.7

Then we load the Zachary karate club example data from igraph.

G = ig.Graph.Famous('Zachary')
#> 'IGRAPH U--- 34 78 -- '
partition = la.find_partition(G, la.ModularityVertexPartition)
#> Clustering with 34 elements and 4 clusters
#> [0] 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33
#> [1] 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21
#> [2] 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31
#> [3] 4, 5, 6, 10, 16
#> <leidenalg.VertexPartition.ModularityVertexPartition object at 0x7fe8e5216c40>
#> [1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]
partition <- py$partition$membership + 1
#> partition
#>  1  2  3  4 
#> 12 11  6  5

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network. This reproduces the example in the Python leidenalg documentation.

#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     union
graph_object <- graph.famous("Zachary")
node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(graph_object, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

We can reproduce passing arguments in this manner as well.

partition = la.find_partition(G, la.CPMVertexPartition, resolution_parameter = 0.05)
#> Clustering with 34 elements and 2 clusters
#> [0] 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21
#> [1] 8, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
#> <leidenalg.VertexPartition.CPMVertexPartition object at 0x7fe8e4ec6580>
#> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
partition <- py$partition$membership + 1
#> partition
#>  1  2 
#> 17 17

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network. This reproduces the example in the Python leidenalg documentation.

graph_object <- graph.famous("Zachary")
node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(graph_object, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-19

We can run the RBC vertex method which generalises the modularity vertex partition.

partition = la.find_partition(G, la.RBConfigurationVertexPartition, resolution_parameter = 1.5)
#> Clustering with 34 elements and 5 clusters
#> [0] 8, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33
#> [1] 0, 1, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21
#> [2] 23, 24, 25, 27, 31
#> [3] 4, 5, 6, 10, 16
#> [4] 2, 9, 28
#> <leidenalg.VertexPartition.RBConfigurationVertexPartition object at 0x7fe8e4f1a9a0>
#> [1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]
partition <- py$partition$membership + 1
#> partition
#>  1  2  3  4  5 
#> 11 10  5  5  3

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network.

graph_object <- graph.famous("Zachary")
node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(graph_object, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

Benchmarking the Python version with reticulate

Now we can time how long the computation of the algorithm takes (for 1000 runs) running within python:

import time
G = ig.Graph.Famous('Zachary')
#> 'IGRAPH U--- 34 78 -- '
start = time.time()
for ii in range(100):
    partition = la.find_partition(G, la.ModularityVertexPartition)

end = time.time()
#> [1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]
py_time = end - start
print("leiden time:", py_time, "seconds")
#> leiden time: 0.022762537002563477 seconds
bash_py_time=`python -c 'import igraph as ig
import leidenalg as la
import time
G = ig.Graph.Famous("Zachary")
start = time.time()
for ii in range(100):
    partition = la.find_partition(G, la.ModularityVertexPartition)

end = time.time()
py_time = end - start
echo $bash_py_time > bash_py_time
echo "leiden time:" $bash_py_time "seconds"
#> leiden time: 0.014365911483764648 seconds
bash_py_time <- as.numeric(readLines("bash_py_time"))

We can also run the leiden algorithm in python by calling functions with reticulate:

leidenalg <- import("leidenalg", delay_load = TRUE)
ig <- import("igraph", delay_load = TRUE)
G = ig$Graph$Famous('Zachary')
#> [1] "IGRAPH U--- 34 78 -- "
partition = leidenalg$find_partition(G, leidenalg$ModularityVertexPartition)
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0
leidenalg <- import("leidenalg", delay_load = TRUE)
ig <- import("igraph", delay_load = TRUE)
G = ig$Graph$Famous('Zachary')
#> [1] "IGRAPH U--- 34 78 -- "
start <- Sys.time()
for(ii in 1:100){
  partition = leidenalg$find_partition(G, leidenalg$ModularityVertexPartition)
end <- Sys.time()
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0
reticulate_time <- difftime(end, start)[[1]]
print(paste(c("leiden time:", reticulate_time, "seconds"), collapse = " "))
#> [1] "leiden time: 0.108135461807251 seconds"

R implementation

The R version can be installed with devtools or from CRAN:


Note that these require the Python version as a dependency.

Running in R via reticulate and igraph

We can reproduce these by running the Leiden algorithm in R using the functions in the leiden package.

We are using the following version of R:

#> [1] "R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)"

First we load the packages:


Then we load the Zachary karate club example data from igraph.

G <- graph.famous("Zachary")
#> IGRAPH cda8fda U--- 34 78 -- Zachary
#> + attr: name (g/c)

Calling python in R via reticulate

Here run “legacy” mode to call “leidenalg” in python with the R reticulate package.

partition <- leiden(G, "ModularityVertexPartition", legacy = TRUE)
#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range
#>  [1] 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1
#> partition
#>  1  2  3  4 
#> 12 11  6  5

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network. This reproduces the example in the Python leidenalg documentation.

node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(G, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-37

We can reproduce passing arguments in this manner as well.

partition <- leiden(G, "CPMVertexPartition", resolution_parameter = 0.05, legacy = TRUE)
#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
#> partition
#>  1  2 
#> 17 17

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network. This reproduces the example in the Python leidenalg documentation.

node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(G, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-40

We can run the RBC vertex method which generalises the modularity vertex partition.

partition <- leiden(G, "RBConfigurationVertexPartition", resolution_parameter = 1.5)
#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range
#>  [1] 2 2 5 2 4 4 4 2 1 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 5 1 1 3 1 1
#> partition
#>  1  2  3  4  5 
#> 11 10  5  5  3

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network.

node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(G, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-43

Calling C in R with igraph

We can improve performance for undirected graphs for Modularity and CPM cost functions by calling C in igraph.

G <- as.undirected(G, mode = "each")
#> [1] FALSE
partition <- leiden(G, "ModularityVertexPartition", legacy = FALSE)
#> Warning in deparse(substitute(arg)): NAs introduced by coercion to integer
#> range

#> Warning in deparse(substitute(arg)): NAs introduced by coercion to integer
#> range
#> Warning in paste0("igraph::", x): NAs introduced by coercion to integer range

#> Warning in paste0("igraph::", x): NAs introduced by coercion to integer range

#> Warning in paste0("igraph::", x): NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3
#> partition
#>  1  2  3  4 
#> 11  5 12  6

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network. This reproduces the example in the Python leidenalg documentation.

node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(G, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-46

We check here that it returns the same results as in igraph.

partition <- membership(cluster_leiden(G, objective_function = "modularity"))
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3
#> partition
#>  1  2  3  4 
#> 11  5 12  6

We can also run CPM cost functions.

partition <- leiden(G, "CPMVertexPartition", resolution_parameter = 0.1, legacy = FALSE)
#> Warning in deparse(substitute(arg)): NAs introduced by coercion to integer
#> range
#> Warning in paste0("igraph::", x): NAs introduced by coercion to integer range

#> Warning in paste0("igraph::", x): NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
#>  [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3
#> partition
#>  1  2  3  4  5 
#> 11  5 13  1  4

We can plot the result in R to show it in the network. This reproduces the example in the Python leidenalg documentation.

node.cols <- brewer.pal(max(c(3, partition)),"Pastel1")[partition]
plot(G, vertex.color = node.cols, layout=layout_with_kk)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-49

Benchmarking the R version with reticulate

Now we can time how long the computation of the algorithm takes (for 1000 runs) calling with R on a graph object:

G <- graph.famous('Zachary')
#> IGRAPH 2886c5f U--- 34 78 -- Zachary
#> + attr: name (g/c)
start <- Sys.time()
for(ii in 1:100){
  partition <- leiden(G, "ModularityVertexPartition", legacy = TRUE)
#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to integer range

#> Warning in make_py_object.igraph(object, weights = weights): NAs introduced by
#> coercion to i