This vignette will show how to visualize the var-covariance matrix of random terms for communityPGLMM
Main function
The main function to use is phyr::pglmm_plot_re()
(alias: phyr::pglmm_plot_ranef()
). Here are the arguments of this function:
## function (formula = NULL, data = NULL, family = "gaussian", sp.var = "sp",
## site.var = "site", tree = NULL, tree_site = NULL, repulsion = FALSE,
## x = NULL, show.image = TRUE, show.sim.image = FALSE, random.effects = NULL,
## add.tree.sp = TRUE, = FALSE, cov_ranef = NULL,
## = 0.5, = 5, tree.size = 3, ...)
Some brief explanation of arguments:
: a model with class communityPGLMM, if it is specified, then all other argument before x will be ignored.
): whether to plot the var-cov matrix of random terms?
): whether to plot simulated site by species matrix for all random terms?
): when show.sim.image = TRUE
, whether to add a phylogeny of species at the top of each matrix plot?
): when show.sim.image = TRUE
, whether to add a phylogeny of sites at the right of each matrix plot? This can be useful for bipartite problems (e.g. pollinators (species) and plants (sites)).
(default is 3): the height of the phylogenies to plot, unit is number of lines.
This function will return a hidden list, which includes all the var-cov matrices of random terms, simulated site by species matrices, individual plots, and all plots in one figure for both var-cov matrices and simulated ones. Therefore, we can extract specific plots and then update them or generate new figure with gridExtra::grid.arrange()
. This is because all generated plots are based on lattice
package and are all grid
object. Therefore, we can also use gridExtra::arrangeGrob()
to put multiple plots in one figure and then use ggplot2::ggsave()
to save it as external file (e.g. PDF). Of course, pdf()
will also work.
Simulate data
Now, let’s show how to use this function to help us understanding better the random terms.
nspp <- 7
nsite <- 5
# Simulate a phylogeny that has a lot of phylogenetic signal (power = 1.3)
phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = nspp), method = "Grafen", power = 1.3)
# Simulate species means
sd.sp <- 1
mean.sp <- rTraitCont(phy, model = "BM", sigma = sd.sp^2)
Y.sp <- rep(mean.sp, times = nsite)
# Phylogenetically correlated response of species to env
sd.trait <- 1
trait <- rTraitCont(phy, model = "BM", sigma = sd.trait)
trait <- rep(trait, times = nsite)
# Simulate site means <- 1 <- rnorm(nsite, sd = <- rep(, each = nspp)
# Site-specific environmental variation
sd.env <- 1
env <- rnorm(nsite, sd = sd.env)
# Generate covariance matrix for phylogenetic attraction
sd.attract <- 1
Vphy <- vcv(phy)
Vphy <- Vphy / (det(Vphy) ^ (1 / nspp))
V.attract <- kronecker(diag(nrow = nsite, ncol = nsite), Vphy)
Y.attract <- array(t(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1, sigma = sd.attract ^ 2 * V.attract)))
# Residual errors
sd.e <- 1
Y.e <- rnorm(nspp * nsite, sd = sd.e)
# Construct the dataset
d <- data.frame(sp = rep(phy$tip.label, times = nsite),
site = rep(1:nsite, each = nspp),
env = rep(env, each = nspp))
# Simulate abundance data
d$Y <- Y.sp + Y.attract + trait * d$env + Y.e
## sp site env Y
## 1 t4 1 -1.060266 -1.3475684
## 2 t2 1 -1.060266 1.2422030
## 3 t5 1 -1.060266 -1.2711509
## 4 t3 1 -1.060266 1.8940820
## 5 t6 1 -1.060266 1.5771805
## 6 t7 1 -1.060266 0.3308875
# fit a model
mod_1 = pglmm(Y ~ 1 + env + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (env|sp__) + (1|sp__@site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy))
## Linear mixed model fit by restricted maximum likelihood
## Call:Y ~ 1 + env
## logLik AIC BIC
## -64.34 146.68 150.38
## Random effects:
## Variance Std.Dev
## 1|sp 2.085e-06 0.0014439
## 1|sp__ 4.218e-01 0.6494991
## 1|site 1.235e-07 0.0003515
## env|sp 1.209e-06 0.0010993
## env|sp__ 5.434e-01 0.7371383
## 1|sp__@site 1.375e-01 0.3707606
## residual 1.885e+00 1.3729463
## Fixed effects:
## Value Std.Error Zscore Pvalue
## (Intercept) 0.83092 0.63742 1.3036 0.1924
## env 0.75052 0.68819 1.0906 0.2755
Var-cov matrices of random terms
Plot var-cov matrices of all random terms in one figure
# plot var-cov matrices of random terms
mod1re = pglmm_plot_re(Y ~ 1 + env + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (env|sp__) + (1|sp__@site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), show.image = TRUE,
show.sim.image = FALSE)
In the above plot, we can see that some of the panels are black-white but some have colors. This is because, by default, if a matrix has both positive and negative values, then the function will use red-blue color and will draw a key for that (use colorkey = FALSE
to suppress it). If a matrix does not have negative values, then the function will use black/white color (use useAbs = FALSE
to use color instead, and use colorkey = FALSE
to suppress key if wanted). In both cases, value 0 will be white so that the structure of the var-cov matrix can be easier to see.
# all use color with useAbs = FALSE
pglmm_plot_re(Y ~ 1 + env + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (env|sp__) + (1|sp__@site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), show.image = TRUE,
show.sim.image = FALSE, useAbs = FALSE)
For the above plot, notice that for 1|sp
and 1|site
, all values are either 1 or 0 even though we have a range in the key. We can suppress the key with colorkey = FALSE
# suppress key with colorkey = FALSE
pglmm_plot_re(Y ~ 1 + env + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (env|sp__) + (1|sp__@site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), show.image = TRUE,
show.sim.image = FALSE, useAbs = FALSE, colorkey = FALSE)
We can also just use colorkey = FALSE
and still use black/white color for matrices that do not have negative values (without setting useAbs
# suppress colorkey, let the function decide whether use color or not
pglmm_plot_re(Y ~ 1 + env + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (env|sp__) + (1|sp__@site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), show.image = TRUE,
show.sim.image = FALSE, colorkey = FALSE)
To make all plots black or white, use useAbs = TRUE
# all black and white
pglmm_plot_re(Y ~ 1 + env + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (env|sp__) + (1|sp__@site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), show.image = TRUE,
show.sim.image = FALSE, useAbs = TRUE)